First Call Check List

Please bring the following items to the arrangement conference.  They are needed for various reasons, including completion of legal and benefit forms: 

Full Legal Name

Full legal name of deceased, including maiden name for woman. 

Important Dates

The deceased’s birth date and place of birth (city and state). 

Social Security

The actual Social Security Number of the deceased is required.  Not necessarily the number they are collecting Medicare under. 


In the case of the deceased having been a veteran, discharge papers are needed.

Photograph or Snapshot

Please provide an image for obituary or to assist us in preparation and with the hair style. 


All clothing that you would like the deceased to be dressed in.  This includes underclothing.  Clothing with long sleeves and high necklines are preferred.  Shoes are optional.

Family Information

The deceased father’s full name and also their mother’s name and maiden name.

If you have the time, you might begin to write a rough draft of what you would like in the obituary notice.  This is not necessary, but often times helps to eliminate omissions and spelling errors.